Intro To Java Workshop
Section 1
Students with Prior Java Experience
Sometimes a student enrolls in a workshop and they already have 6 months or more experience of writing Java code. If you have a student who demonstrates a level of mastery that may make the workshop unnecessary, you can offer them a Java Assessment:
- In a browser, have them fill out the Pre-Assessment Survey.
- Next, have the student take the Placement Quiz.
- Look at which questions they got right / wrong
- Record their score and add comments in Pike13 (if they have an account). Otherwise send info in an email to Info
- If the student scored more than 10, they might be eligible to skip Level 0 (or more) of our program. Consult with Keith before talking to the student's parents.
Introduction to Processing
Have the students start the Processing app (from the dock or the desktop). Have them press the "Run" button so they can see the size of a 100 by 100 pixel sketch.
- Explain x,y co-ordinate plane. Show location of (0,0) on whiteboard.
- Introduce size command to set size of sketch.
- Introduce ellipse command and its parameters.
- Have students play around with different sizes/shapes.
- Introduce fill command and its parameters. Show them the Color Selector Tool.
- Have students play around with colors.
- Introduce rect, triangle, background.
- Have students draw a picture using the shapes and colors. Possible suggestions: House, Face, Car, Snowman. Encourage creativity.
Using Images with Processing
All these recipes are described in section1 of the src folder in the workshop package on the Desktop (previously cloned from GitHub).
IIf you have time, you can do all of these. If not, use your audience to gauge which will have the most appeal.
- Logical Dot - a circle changes color when the mouse is clicked.
- Tash Me - get a picture of a face, then use the mouse to move a mustache around and click it into place.
- Unicorns on a Rainbow - get a picture of a rainbow, then use the mouse to fly a unicorn over the rainbow.