Intro To Java Workshop
Section 2

Introduction to Eclipse

If any student did not clone the workshop code in Section 1, they need to do that now.

Have the students clone their workshop repository, then start the Eclipse app (from the dock or on the desktop) and import the workshop Java project.

  • Find the "MyFristJavaProgram" code and explain the content.
  • Introduce the Robot and how to create one and give it a name.
  • Run the program to see the Robot on the screen and to check everyone is in synch.
  • Talk about some of the things a robot can do (move, turn, sparkle, hide, etc.)
  • Explain about the Robot's pen and how to make it draw.
  • Show how Eclipse can show a complete list of the options available (i.e. type a period after the robot's name).
  • Have students play around with their Robot, looking up commands and running the code to see what happens.
  • Challenge students to write code to have the robot draw a square

Robot Recipes

All these recipes are contained in the section2 package of the workshop Java project.

If you have time, you can do all of these and more. If not, use your audience to gauge which will have the most appeal.

  • Four Square
  • Spiral
  • Pentagon Crazy
  • Flaming Ninja Star - for the fast learners