Intro To Java Workshop
Section 4: Games
If any student did not get the workshop code, they should do that now.
All students should clone and import their Java Project into Eclipse.
Some of these games use int variables, incrementing, and Random numbers which will need to be explained on the white board.
Encourage students to pick the appropriate level of difficulty, based on demonstrated mastery.
Least Difficult Games
- Quiz Game (uses dialogs)
Ask user questions, check answers, keep a score. - Awesome or Not (uses Random and dialogs)
Generate different responses based on a random number.
Medium Difficulty Games
- Dragon Fight (uses Random and dialogs)
Use random numbers for game flow. Keep totals for player and dragon health. - Robot Treasure Hunt (uses xy coordinates, syso)
Requires attention to details in written instructions.
Program locks if students use wrong Robot methods.
Requires access to Youtube. - Terminator Cat (uses xy coordinates, loops)
Needs an image. Cat shoots lasers out of its eyes.
Most Difficulty Games
- Fish Feeder (uses xy coordinates, loops, keeps score)
Fish catches falling food. Lots of optional extras for fast finishers.